
Things we want to share

100% Potato; It’s all good !

Designers Simone Caronni, Pietro Gaeli, and Paolo Stefano Gentile have put their heads together to create an all-new food packaging design. After learning about how much peel waste was created in the process of making fries, the team explored different ways to reuse...

Hi tech back pack ! Hoverglide

for those who hike, travel, commute or train athletically, hoverglide by lightning packs promises to decrease the potential for injury through its patented double-frame and pulley system design. essentially, the ‘pack’ part of the bag sits on rails that slowly and...

Nice product Moon Lamp

Moon lamp is a moon light lamp that looks like the original Moon. It is done by the help of 3D printing technology and some layer by layer stacks to bring the real appearance of the moon. Everyone knows the accurate shape and texture of the moon based on the images by...

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